Citation Machine MLA

Citation Machine MLA

Find and generate MLA citations and annotations in just a few clicks.

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Effortlessly Generate MLA Citations with Our AI-powered Tool

Creating MLA citations can be time-consuming and tricky, but our online citation machine MLA makes it simple and fast. This AI-powered tool helps you generate accurate references in MLA 9th edition with just a few clicks. All you need to do is enter the URL, click "generate," and you'll get a perfectly formatted citation.

Plus, you can use our citation finder and annotation generator to discover and annotate sources easily. Whether you're a student or a professional, our tool is here to save you time and ensure your citations are spot-on.

Key Features of Our MLA Citation Generator

Discover the standout features of our tool that make citation creation a breeze. From quick generation to comprehensive management, see how our tool can simplify your work.

Fast and Easy to Use

Generate MLA citations quickly and efficiently, taking under 90 seconds to produce accurate results.

Widely Trusted

Join our extensive user base of 1.3 million active users who rely on our tool for their citation needs.

Always Accurate

Ensures your citations are precise and correctly formatted every time.

Free to Try

Experience our tool with a free trial—no signup or credit card is required.

Industry-Standard Technology

Utilizes Citation Style Language (CSL) software, similar to the technology used in Mendeley and Zotero, for reliable and up-to-date citations.

Comprehensive Reference Management

Beyond just generating citations, our tool helps you find sources and create detailed annotations.

Autocite Functionality

Simply enter a URL, and our tool fetches information like the title, author, and publication date directly from the source.

Updated MLA 9th Edition

Always up-to-date with the latest MLA 9th Edition guidelines for accurate and current citations.

Save Multiple Lists

Allows you to save multiple lists and view your citation history anytime for easy reference.

Highly Rated

With an impressive rating of 4.85 out of 5 from over 10,000 reviews, users love our tool.

Citation Guides

Access comprehensive guides on citation for all the help you need.

Export to Word

Easily export your citations directly to Word for seamless integration into your documents.

Instructors from prestigious universities frequently endorse our tool, establishing it as a reliable resource within the academic community.

  • stanford
  • harvard
  • atm
  • columbia
  • virginia
  • hopkins
  • newyork
  • chicago
  • georgia
  • michigan
  • lse
  • florida
  • tufts
  • warwich
  • american
  • johns-hopkins
  • coventry
  • greenwich
  • duke
  • massachusetts
  • penn
  • bournemouth
  • northwestern
  • michigan2

Why Use Our MLA Citation Generator?

Making accurate citations in any citation style can be tough, especially when you have many sources and tight deadlines. Our MLA format citation generator is designed to address common challenges and provide solutions that meet your needs.

Increase Efficiency

Manual citation can be incredibly time-consuming. Our tool automates the process, giving you more time to focus on your writing and research.

Minimize Errors

Avoid the hassle of formatting errors and inconsistencies. Our generator ensures that your citations are always correctly formatted according to the latest MLA guidelines.

Enhanced Academic Performance

Proper citations are crucial for academic success. By using our tool, you can be confident that your references are accurate and complete, contributing to better grades.

Stay Organized

Easily manage multiple sources and keep track of your research with our comprehensive reference management system.

Boost Your Research Quality

With our citation finder and annotation generator, you can discover new sources and provide detailed annotations. So, our citation machine MLA website enriches your research and making your work more robust.

User-Friendly and Accessible

Our intuitive design and easy-to-use interface make generating citations simple, even if you're not tech-savvy. Plus, you can access the tool from anywhere, providing convenience for students and professionals alike.

How to Use Our MLA Citation Generator?

Here’s a quick guide to using our tool for generating citations and annotations in MLA style.

For Generating a Citation:

  1. Enter the URL: Start by typing in the URL of the source you want to cite.
  2. Click 'Generate': Press the "Generate" button, and our tool will instantly give you a properly formatted MLA citation.

For Generating Annotations:

  1. Enter Your Topic: Type in the topic of your paper to help tailor the search for sources.
  2. Specify Number and Type of Sources: Indicate how many sources you need and what types (e.g., journals, websites).
  3. Request Annotations: Click on the button to generate not only citations but also detailed annotations for each source.

For Finding References:

  1. Enter Topic: Start by typing in your essay topic.
  2. Specify the Number of Sources: Indicate how many sources you need.
  3. Choose the Source Type: Select the types of sources you’re looking for (books, articles, etc.).
  4. Find References: Hit the 'Generate' button, and our MLA reference generator will find and list relevant sources for you, all cited in MLA format.

User Experiences

See how our citation machine for MLA 9th edition has helped other researchers like you.

Emily Rodriguez

Emily Rodriguez

University of Texas

Research Paper

"This tool saved me so much time when I was working on my research paper. I no longer stress over citations."


Henry Scott

Henry Scott

Harvard University


"I was always worried about formatting errors, but this tool made my citations accurate and hassle-free."


Chen Wei

Chen Wei

University of California, Berkeley


"As a non-native English speaker, the citation guides were incredibly helpful. My papers are now properly cited."


Sarah Johnson

Sarah Johnson

New York University

Research Proposal

"The autocite functionality is a game-changer. It fetched all necessary details for me in seconds."


Ahmed Khan

Ahmed Khan

University of Michigan

Case Study

"Creating annotations used to be a pain. This tool simplified the process, making my work more thorough."


Lisa Chang

Lisa Chang

University of Washington

Literature Review

"The free trial allowed me to try the tool without any commitment, and now I can't work without it."


Michael Brown

Michael Brown

Yale University

Annotated Bibliography

"Keeping track of sources for my extensive bibliography was made so much easier with this citation generator."

Political Science

How to Create MLA Citations?

Creating MLA citations involves following a specific format to ensure consistency and accuracy in academic writing. Each citation typically includes several key components. These components are the author's name, the title of the source, and the title of the container (if the source is part of a larger collection, such as a book chapter or journal article). Other contributors (like editors or translators), the version or edition of the work, the volume and issue number for journal articles, the publisher, the publication date, and the location (such as page numbers for print sources or the URL for online sources) are also important.

These elements need to be arranged in a specific order, and punctuation must be used correctly to adhere to MLA guidelines. This can be time-consuming and prone to errors, especially when managing multiple sources. Using our MLA 9 citation generator simplifies this process, ensuring all these elements are correctly formatted, saving you time and reducing the risk of mistakes.

MLA Format
Understanding MLA In-Text Citations

MLA in-text citations are brief references within your text that direct readers to the full citations in your Works Cited page. These citations typically include the author's last name and the page number where the information was found, all enclosed in parentheses.

For example: (Smith 23). If the author's name is mentioned in the sentence, only the page number is needed: (23).

This helps readers easily locate the original source of the information used in your paper.

Creating a Works Cited Page

The works cited page is a comprehensive list of all the sources you referenced in your paper, formatted according to MLA guidelines. Each entry should contain the author's name, title of the source, title of the container, other contributors, version, number, publisher, publication date, and location. The entries should be alphabetically arranged by the author's last name and double-spaced with a hanging indent.

Using the citations generated by our MLA Citation Generator makes creating your works cited page straightforward and efficient. After generating your citations, simply compile them into a list and format it according to MLA standards.

Useful Resources

Enhance your understanding of MLA formatting with the following blogs and examples.

  • MLA Annotated Bibliography: Explore how to create a detailed annotated bibliography, including the structure and examples of annotations for different sources.
  • MLA Paper Format: Find comprehensive guidelines on setting up your paper, including margins, font size, spacing, and the placement of headings.
  • MLA Header: Learn the correct format for the header, including the order of information and placement on the page.
  • MLA Title Page: Understand when a title page is required and how to format it, including the placement of the title, your name, and other relevant details.
  • MLA Block Quotes: Get instructions on formatting long quotations, including when to use block quotes and how to set them apart from the main text.
  • MLA Footnotes: Discover how to incorporate and format footnotes correctly, including their placement and how to reference them in your text.
  • MLA Titles: Learn the rules for capitalizing and formatting titles of works, including books, articles, and other sources.
  • MLA Dates: Find out how to correctly format dates within your citations and in the text of your paper, including the order and punctuation.

Try Out the Citation Machine for Other Formats

Use our citation machine to quickly generate precise references in all major formats, streamlining your research and writing tasks.

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